Campfire Vibes by The Original Fire Reflector

Staring into the flames and listening to stories and making memories at camp are the things I look forward to most when I am packing up for a trip. Summer months here at home aren’t very fire friendly because of the heat or there are burn bans. However, the other times of the year, a piece of gear I load in the truck is “The Original Fire Reflector” from MC Ranch Overland. Every. Trip.

“Designed to enhance and improve on all aspects of the campfire and the outdoor cooking experience. Using the principles of a parabolic arc and the properties of aluminum. It reflects heat exponentially back to the user or users keeping them warm and cozy. It also reflects light into your campsite creating a bright, engaging and warming glow. Allowing you to navigate your campsite and feel the dynamics of the light, creating energy and community. The “Original Fire Reflector” also creates a controlled environment to enhance cooking by controlling wind and air flow. Cradling your fire, hibachi or cooking device to maximize your fuel resources and not allowing them to burn uncontrollably in the wind.”

At $399, some will say this is a bit pricey. However, that price is reflective of thoughtful design and quality manufacturing/assembly. Also included, is a heavy duty carrying bag made by Last US Bag Company. When you pull the reflector out of the bag and open it up for the first time, you won’t find any sharp edges. The smooth texture and feel of the high quality materials will be evident. When you deploy it around your campfire for the first time, you will be pleased at how well it reflects heat, and light while not absorbing heat from the flames. You will also appreciate how it keeps smoke and wind at bay. We love this piece of gear, and so will you!

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